Friday, 31 May 2019


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Drug abuse is no longer limited to illegal drugs like heroine or cocaine. One of the most dangerous and rising forms of drug abuse today is legal, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.  They come from cough syrups and painkillers to sleep medicine and prescription tranquilisers; these socially accepted drugs are cheap, accessible and addictive – making them all the more dangerous.
How are they addictive?
Drug addiction is a complex disorder that is characterised by compulsive drug use. Every drug produces different physical effects, but the common result is that repeated use can alter the way the brain looks and functions.
Repeated abuse of drugs (even with some OTCs) floods the system with dopamine, which gives the user that euphoric rush. It is believe that the brain receptor cells change in conformation. When someone with a predisposition to addiction uses these drugs repeatedly, it causes the reward system to learn that drugs are essential to their survival and they should get it at any cost.
Dependence versus Addiction
Many people can use recreational or prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative consequences or addiction. Some others use of these substances quickly leads to abuse and then addiction. To tell when the line has been crossed is not easy as there is nothing to measure it, but some common behaviours indicating drug addiction include:
• Performing poorly at work
• Neglecting responsibilities to family and friends
. Loss interest in social activities
• Losing interest in sex.
Dependency is much more commonplace. Taking prescription medicine for more than a few weeks increases the chance of developing some physical dependence on the drug for the relief it brings, be it to pain or insomnia. People are usually stable on lower doses of the medicine. If they do stop suddenly, they will probably have some mild withdrawal symptoms. People that tend towards addiction usually abuse the drug with the intention of lessening their anxiety or getting high (escaping their feelings or reality). The pleasure of getting high and the fear of withdrawal instruct the brain to compulsively seek out the drug, at any cost, and to crave its continued use despite the negative consequences.
Some commonly abused prescription drugs
·          Sleep medicines: This helps people who suffer from insomnia (lack of sleep) but, when abused, addicts start to believe they need them to sleep.

·          Codeine and morphine: Painkillers are some of the most commonly abused OTC medicines. In small doses these drugs reduce pain, but in large doses they can cause a euphoric high and dangerous side effects like drowsiness and breathing problems.

·          Barbiturates or sedatives: High doses can cause breathing problems, especially if taken with alcohol.
Some available OTC drugs are especially popular with teenagers:
·          Diet or weight control pills: Youths are prone to “going on diets” and will often try anything which claims to make them thinner or prettier (especially ladies). The abuse of such pills often starts with them taking just to lose weight. In large doses, these pills can create false “energy”, a feeling that can be addictive in itself. The continued misuse can cause serious eating disorder.
·          Amphetamines: Most often this drug is abused by young people to increase energy and alertness, or to keep awake. High doses can cause a rise in body temperature, irregular heartbeat and sometimes cardiac arrest.
·          Dextromethorphan (DXM): Is a common ingredient in over-the-counter cold and cough medicines, which in large doses can cause hallucinations, vomiting, rapid heart rate, and brain damage.
·          Pseudoephedrine: A decongestant in many non-prescription cold medicines that helps to clear up stuffy noses. It may increase energy and causes toxicity at high doses.

The prevalence of prescription drug misuse is high and vary by age, gender, and other factors, but likely include ease of access. Misinformation about the addictive properties of prescription drugs and the perception that prescription drugs are less harmful than illicit drugs are other possible contributors to the problem.